Second In-Person conference of South Asia Network for Communication, Displacement and Migration (SAN-CDM) on Connecting the Dots: Debating Displacement in South Asia was organized
Nepal Institute of Peace, in collaboration with National Federation of the Deaf Nepal conducted a workshop on Legal Empowerment and Justice Needs of Deaf People: Situation and Challenges on 4th October 2023 at Alfa House, Baneswor, Kathmandu.
The event provided a forum for consultative and interactive discussions between journalists, academics, community members and civil society actors, through exchange of knowledge, expertise and ideas on media coverage of refugee and migrant issues in South Asia.
The Calcutta Research Group [CRG], the Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna [IWM], Alliance for Social Dialogue [ASD], and Nepal Institute of Peace [NIP] organized South Asian Labour Migration and Maritime Migrants’ from 21-23 May 2022 in The Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur.
Nepal Institute of Peace (NIP) facilitated the Regional Stakeholders Dialogue on Displacement conducted by South Asia Network for Development and Displacement (SANDD) on 26-27 February 2020 at Yalamaya Kendra, Lalitpur.
Nepal Institute of Peace (NIP) and Centre for Social Change (CSC) jointly organized a half-day Policy Dialogue Program on Informal Workers and Cross-Border Migrants on December 28, 2021 (13 Poush, Tuesday) at Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur.